Used Car Dealer near Virginia Beach VA


When you add a used car to your search, you’ll gain more choices and more variety. This helps you to land a vehicle that’s more than able to accommodate you near Virginia Beach, VA. At Priority INFINITI of Greenbriar, we want your visit to our dealer to be a pleasure, whether you’re buying a car, checking out finance options, or scheduling service.

Browse Our Used Car Inventory

Let your excitement brim over. We carry plenty of thrilling vehicles that you may not expect to find. It’s a good idea to start your search by browsing through our inventory. You may discover models like the INFINITI QX60, a luxury SUV suitable for taking to places like the boardwalk or the beach.

Once you’ve combed through our inventory and found some possibilities, it’s time to visit our dealership. Then you can check out what they offer and test them out with the help of a seasoned sales specialist. They can point out different features that you may like or lead you to a car that’s perfect for your lifestyle.

Browse Our Used Car Inventory
Feel Comfortable With Financing

Feel Comfortable With Financing

You should feel comfortable and well-informed before signing up for financing. This can be achieved with guidance from our team of finance professionals. They’re here to advise you on selecting a finance plan and explaining what your responsibilities will be. After you fill out your finance application, we can confirm your eligibility.

Use our complimentary online shopping tools to feel like an active participant. That starts with the finance application. While you consider different vehicles, see how much you could pay for your like-new car through the payment calculator. Or find out the estimated market value of your car through the Value Your Trade appraisal tool.

Offering State-of-the-Art Service

Offering State-of-the-Art Service

We’re proud to offer a state-of-the-art facility for your service needs. No matter the age or make of your vehicle, our service technicians will relish the chance to take care of it. They’re well-versed in the techniques that will ensure that your car keeps up with first-rate performance. If you’re concerned about an issue affecting your car, they can be your go-to resource.

If your tire treads indicate that you could use a new set, our tire store can supply you with major brands. Many of them will be eligible for road hazard coverage, so that you won’t be waiting on the side of the road with a flat. We also will match the price of any other retailer you visit.

Go Beneath the Sea near Virginia Beach VA

You visit the beach and boardwalk near Virginia Beach, VA, as much as you can, but what’s beneath the sea? Stop by the Virginia Aquarium and Marine Science Center to meet all the creatures you could encounter if you dive in far enough. Walk through the tunnel to get an up-close and personal look at sharks, rays, and other ocean creatures.

Land a Vehicle at the Used Car Dealer near Virginia Beach VA

You’ll discover more variety when you add a used car to your search. At Priority INFINITI of Greenbriar, we’re committed to giving you a pleasurable experience, whether you’re buying, financing, or servicing a vehicle. Call or contact our dealer near Virginia Beach, Virginia, online to schedule your visit.

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